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Religious talk and Qiyammulail

Assalammualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh to all Lufbruian,

We hope this message reaches you in the best of time, health and iman. LSU Brunei Society will be organizing the religious talk by the BSU religious officer and the Qiyammulail. The talk will be for all brothers and sisters. The society will be inviting Ustadz Raminey from the Brunei Student Unit, London to give the religious talk. Also, we will also be organizing the Qiyammulail only for brothers. As from the previous email, this event will be held on Friday, 30th October,2009. The details for the events will be:

1. Religious talk by Ustadz Raminey

6pm – the arrivals of Ustadz Raminey

6.30pm – Solat Isyak berjemaah (Muslim prayer hall, Brockington building)

7pm – Talk by Ustadz Raminey (for brothers and sisters in J002, EHB building)

8.15pm – Dinner and free session

8.35pm – bersurai

2. Qiyammulail and Solat Tahajjud (brothers only)

9pm – Stay overnight at the Muslim prayer hall, Brockington building

9.15pm – Introduction on Qiyammulail and Solat Tahajjud

9.40pm – Sharing session

10pm – Tidur

4.15am – Bangun dan khidmat diri

4.40am – Solat Tahajjud and Solat Witir

5.20am – Subuh jamaah prayer

5.30am – Quranic circle

6am – sharing session

6.30am – breakfast and free session

7am – bersurai

*as usual, the events will be flexible

For brothers who wish to join this Qiyammulail, it is preferable for brothers to bring the sleeping bag or duvet(selimut) and toiletries (tooth brush, etc) before the Religious talk. If there is any question or need any help on sleeping bag or about both the events, don't hesitate to ask me by email. Insya Allah I will try to help as much as I can. All the good things only come from Allah.

Wassalammualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh

Syukri HS
Religious Officer
LSU Brunei Society 09/10